Monday, January 30, 2012

Reason #1 Why My Kid is a Genius

So I was sitting on the toilet the other day... (You have to love a post that starts like that.  Also, please notice that I'm about to tell you about something that happened while I was sitting on the toilet.  No one can say that you were not warned.)  Anyway, back to the toilet.  I had been feeling kind of crappy for a day or two and I had a sneaking suspicion that my womanly time of the month was coming.  You know what I mean...wink, wink.  So I was sitting there and realized that I had, in fact, gotten my period so I started bitching and complaining to myself.  Alexa was sitting on the floor in the bathroom playing with some toys while all this was going on so half way through my complaining I said: "Alexa, go get Mommy a tampon".  She looked at me (previous to this she had been sitting there ignoring my ranting and raving), stood up and purposefully walked out of the room.  I had closed the door from my bedroom to the rest of the house so I knew that she couldn't go very far but I was very interested to see if she was going to come back.  I figured that she either got completely fed up with my bitching and chose to walk out or she was actually going to go get me a tampon.  Not lying, I was hoping for the latter.  About two minutes later she stomps back into the bathroom, walks right up to me and thrusts both hands up to my face.  In each hand there was one of her little Sesame Street figures.  One was Oscar the Grouch and the other was Cookie Monster.  I proceeded to tell her that she was the smartest person I've ever met and that is why my kid is a genius.

1 comment:

Fox Family said...

this is awesome. reese picked up elmo, a red crayon and a red block the other day and carried them around for 45 minutes. showing them to me at different intervals as if trying to teach me the color red. kids are amazing.