Sunday, April 15, 2012

This post brings new meaning to the phrase 'Crazy long post of pictures' (consider yourselves warned)

We went down south for Easter last weekend, which also happened to be the weekend before Nick's birthday.  So, obviously we had to have a party (because what good is a trip home without a Nettina party?).  
 Easter Bunny Alexa helping to put candy in bowls.
 'I have my baskets, where should we go shopping?!'
Yes, those are glass.
 Lexi and my mom
 She loves to dip.
 Alexa and Nikki.
Again, yes, that is a roll of tape that she's playing with.  No worries, I took it away from her before she could cut herself.
 awwwwww...look at the little cousins playing!
 They are so cute!

 Happy Birthday to Nick!!!  This was about two seconds before Alexa dipped her
finger in the icing and had a little taste.
 OK, so apparently this is one of those paper lantern things where you make a wish or something like that (I don't know, I was giving Alexa a bath when they took it out).  But, regardless, look at how big it is!
 Everyone on the patio watching the lantern go up.
 How can you send up a lantern while on a screened in patio, you ask? 
Oh, that would be through the large hole that is ripped into the screen.
 Want to see something just as ghetto as the gianormo screen hole, 10x as creepy and 100x as awesome?!  We (we being my mom) found a website where you can put people's faces into movie posters.  So she put
Nick's face (plus some with other people) in all these different movies, had them printed on 8x10s at Costco and then we taped them to the front of all the picture frames in our house.  Yup, scotch taped them.  Like I said, ghetto, creepy and awesome all at the same time. 

That was Saturday, now on to Easter Sunday.  We went to church in the morning.  Alexa was pretty good, she made it about half way through until Nick had to take her outside to walk around.

 I know that this isn't the best picture, but it's the only one where I don't have a triple chin.  Since this is my blog, I get to choose the pictures, and I choose the one where I don't look like a fat ass.  :)
 I don't know what she's doing in this picture but, I'm not gonna lie, she's pretty cute.  Why are you all standing in front of a slide, you ask?  Well, that's because Crazy McCrazeCraze threw a small fit and insisted on being by the slide.  In an attempt to get a decent picture, we went with it.
 Looking for Easter eggs (by outlet boxes).
 Yummy, Easter bread!'s off to Easter with the Nettinas:
 Alexa got an Easter present from Aunt Kathy (and a bunny from Aunt Bunny...appropriately)
 Nettina cousins (plus some red-headed husbands)
 Playing with Aunt TeTe (aka Aunt Bunny)
Katie and Michael decided to talk to Grammy to avoid cleaning up...slackers.
 Yeah, I'm related to them.
 I love this picture just for Alexa's face toward Anthony. 
She seems to be very concerned about those cupcakes.
Both Nick and Abe's (Jennie's husband) birthday was on Monday so Aunt Kathy made them a peeps cake and we sang to them.  Apparently, they gave Grammy 1/4 of the cake as her piece and she went with it.  :)  Please notice the bib, it's awesome.

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