I am eventually going to post pictures of our Disney trip (maybe even tonight, if I get motivated) but first I must tell you about my crazy day with my crazy child and my crazy dogs. First of all, Wolfie isn't doing to hot. He has some back problems and now he's developed some anxiety. Yeah, that's right, the dog has anxiety. Now, normally I would tell him to suck it up and get over it except that his form of anxiety manifests as a high pitched whinny cry that pierces your soul and is never ending. When you are trying to sleep, you will do anything to make that stop. Trust me. That being said, while I sleep, Wolfie is now allowed to roam the house at his leisure instead of going in the crate with the girls. So I woke up this afternoon, an hour earlier than I wanted to (this is of course after getting up to pee three times because of all the Pepsi I drank at work trying to stay awake through the night) irritated that the one day I can sleep in a little bit, I wake up at 1:30. Whatever. So I get up, clean up Wolfie's pee off the floor (I'm not going to even get into that), and take the dogs out. Of course Wolfie won't go outside so I have to pick him up and put him on the grass where he proceeds to lay down. Fine, obviously you don't have to pee since you did it already on my wood floors. He lays there until the girls are done and then finally decides to walk around a little bit and do his business. So we stay outside longer. Finally, 15 minutes later, after we all were ready to go back inside, I was able to take a shower and get ready. I left to pick up Alexa from day care and returned home to find poop on one of the area rugs. I was gone for about 20 minutes total. I'm not going to get into how I know it was Wolfie poop but let's just say I have my ways. The next hour and a half was full of making dinner, eating dinner, getting dressed for work and playing with Alexa/trying to keep her occupied so she will quit screaming like a banshee. After dinner, we went outside with the dogs. Everything was fine until it was time to go inside. Of course that was the point where Alexa decided that she wanted to ride in her car or throw a ball or do anything else that I said 'no' to. I'd be herding the dogs to the door, I'd get Alexa almost to the door and then she'd run to something else that she wanted to play with. I tell her no, she throws a fit, I drag her to the door again, repeat, repeat, repeat. Meanwhile, Wolfie now decided (of course) that it was a nice time to take a walk by the woods. You have got to be kidding me. Let's all now think back to that wonderful bear we had about 6 months ago which was never actually caught, which I imagine is sitting just beyond my field of vision waiting to pounce on and eat whatever small creature happens to be walking by. (Hey, I never said that I didn't have issues too) So, of course now my priority is Wolfie (who, by the way, I need two hands to carry because of his back) and of course I never got Alexa close enough to the door to actually get her in the house. I run to go pick up Wolfie and Alexa runs to the swing. The whole time looking at me and shreiking with laughter. I loose it, and start screaming that every living creature in this yard better get their butts into the house NOW! (slight paraphrase) Eventually, everyone got inside, Alexa and I got into the car and I was able to drop her off to Nick who was still at work. During the whole walk to Nick's room, Alexa and I worked on stopping, going and listening to Mommy. And I also decided that no one is allowed to chase her around the house for fun saying 'I'm gonna get you!' anymore. It's banned.
On a lighter note, Alexa and I are going to a 31 party on Thursday with all of the women in the subdivision we live in. I'm kind of excited to meet some of our neighbors but I'm mostly terrified of having to actually talk to people I don't know. In any kind of social situation you can pretty much say good bye to nice, kind of funny, sarcastic and witty Kristin and say hello to silent, awkward Kristin. And without Nick to hide behind, it will be ten times worse. At least Alexa is coming with me. She's a good excuse to have to leave if need be. I can almost hear my mom asking me "Kristin, did you make any friends today?!" No, mom, I didn't. Well, at least on Thursday I can get points for trying.
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