Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Alexa has been sick this week.  :(  No fun.  It started out on Friday with a fever and now the runny nose is here.  We had our second slumber party on the floor on Saturday night which was kind of rough but kind of nice at the same time.  My little cuddle buddy doesn't want to cuddle any more now that she's a big girl who crawls around.  The good thing about her being sick is that now she wants to cuddle again.  She would not go into the crib Saturday night and ended up finally falling asleep straddling me with her head on my chest.  So instead of fighting with her to go into the crib again I just layed down on her floor and we slept there. 

Daycare is going OK I suppose, she seems to like it there.  Getting her to take a nap is hit or miss and she still refuses to take a bottle from any of them.  I guess that's OK because we are trying to wean off the bottle.  She drinks from her sippy cup with only juice or water, refuses formula in it) and eats fine so I'm not worried about it.  The teachers there think she's hilarious because she takes off her pants and her diaper in the pack-n-play when she's supposed to be napping.  Naked baby.  I told her it's not socially acceptable to be naked in public even though she does have a super cute hiney.

You all know about my obcession with feeding Alexa correctly and my ever constant quest to find out what exactly she is supposed to be eating.  So last night I was googling snack ideas and came across this website that had a ton of different things on it, some good and some not so much.  As I was skimming though the posts I came across one where the lady was talking about tofu cubes and soy chips and all kinds of crazy stuff.  Now, I am all for tofu as long as I am not the one who's eating it!  If you like it, great.  More for you and less for me.  Also, my general rule of feeding Alexa is that if it looks like I'm going to have to get something at a different store, it's not worth it.  Also, if it costs more to feed her then it does to feed me, it's not worth it.  I feel like those are pretty good rules.  So anyway, this lady is talking about all these fun nutritious snacks (which probably taste like butt) and at the end she says that she thinks it's important to have the baby eat what the parents eat instead of catering to them with typical "toddler foods" such as cheerios or chicken fingers.  What?  Excuse me?  Cheerios and chicken fingers are a staple item in our house hold!  Alexa eats cheerios for breakfast every day.  Every day.  And I do not think there has been one time in the past 6 1/2 years of our marriage when we did not have a bag of chicken fingers in our freezer.  Nick and I eat chicken fingers and tater tots at least once a week.  You know, that day when he's working late and I worked the night before and that night and no one wants to cook.  Needless to say, I moved on to another website.

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