Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One Crafty Mama

Why yes, that would be me. Hehe. I've been looking for a chandelier type of thing to hang in Alexa's room above the chair for awhile. I just felt like that wall against the window was a little bare. So I saw this on pottery barn.

I really like the concept and it doesn't include a light (which is good because we don't have wiring there), but I'm just not a butterfly person. You know how some people are butterfly people and some people aren't. I'm just not. I appreciate butterfly people. I have many friends who are butterfly people. I enjoy the periodic butterfly. But I feel like sometimes we forget that they are just pretty bugs. So being that Alexa has a love for birds (that by the way, I find equally disturbing) I tried to search out a similar design with birds instead of butterflies. No such luck. Then came the moment of enlightenment. (A little background here: I always say that I can make things and then I never actually make them. I have told Nick that I can build furniture, sew things, all kinds of stuff. So one of our running jokes is that I say we can't buy ____ item because I can just make it and Nick gives me a look and then brings up the bar I was supposed to build him a few years ago.) So naturally, when I couldn't find a bird chandelier, I said that I would just make one. Obviously. Nick did the usual thing that he does when I talk about making things and I made him stop my Michaels so I could get my supplies. And look at what I made!!!!!I know, you're jealous. Let's just take a moment for you to pull yourself together. OK now? Good. It was super easy. The circle part is a ring that you use to stretch the fabric when cross stitching with skinny dowels hot glued across it. Then I got some high quality fishing line (I know, right, who would have thought there was high quality fishing line?!) and used tiny dots of hot glue to attach them to the dowels and circle thing. Cut out birds and flowers on my Cricut and glued them on. Then we hung it from the ceiling with more fishing line. Easy peasy! I know it's not as full as the Pottery Barn one, but I kind of did that on purpose. And now thanks to my amazing ability to make things you too can create your own bird/flower/butterfly/whatever you want chandelier. Or for, let's say $30, I'll make one for you. :) Here's a picture of it in Alexa's room.
And I realized that I have never posted pics of her completed room so here are the other walls. Please excuse the random bottles on the changing table. They are one step closer to the kitchen. One step closer.

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