I was just searching the i
nternet for a picture of Tinkerbell with a big cross or X through her. You know, to further illustrate for you my dislike. And let me tell you, I have found my people!!! Apparently there is a whole anti-Tinkerbell movement. Well maybe that's a slight exaggeration. But still. There is a
facebook page that you could 'like' with a description that says some thing like 'why the
obsession with Tinkerbell when she's not even a real princess?!' Exactly!!! I personally think that she is a dirty whore. What? You think this is a family blog?! I talk about boobs here, I think I can use the words dirty whore. Especially when they're true. Seriously, is that the kind of role model you want for your kid?! She steals Minnie's thunder (with all the merchandise they sell with her on it), she hardly has any clothes on and she totally tries to
sabotage Peter and Wendy's relationship. Well...maybe not, but still. I'm still not clapping my hands for that bitch! And you can make fun of me for feeling so strongly about a fictional Disney character but I don't really care. One website even cautioned against getting a Tinkerbell
tattoo because it's associated with drug use. See, these are the type of people who like Tinkerbell...druggies! By the way, I love Peter Pan, it's one of my favorite Disney movies. I think he was the first red head I've ever loved.
Haha. But anyways, it's just that nasty Tinkerbell who I don't like. Hayley told me she was going to save the 3-4 year old ballet Tinkerbell song she has for when Alexa is in her class. I told her that I'd take her out and bring her to the other dance studio. She laughed and thought I was kidding...not so much! Here's a picture of Alexa's princess bath toys with
Tink facing the correct way...at the wall.
Hahaha, I hope you've enjoyed my crazy Tinkerbell rantings. This is the craziness that occurs at 5am....two hours left until I get to go home.
Looks like there is a glass of beer next to Ariel... Just saying
hmmm...it does look like beer. But, it's shampoo. Sorry to disappoint you. I actually do not get tipsy while bathing my child.
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