Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Head Trauma Day!

So today is head trauma day (well really yesterday was since it's 2am but in my world, it's still today). Anyway, nine years ago today my dad fell off a ladder or the roof (which ever theory you want to believe) while we were at church. Does anyone else find that ironic? I do. In a funny, he's all better so it's ok kind of a way. Do you know what else I find funny? Only our family would celebrate the day he fell off the ladder. Not the day he woke up from the medically induced coma, not the day he was sent to the floor (although that was a horrible night) or the day that he went home. I don't even know those dates. But every year on December 17th we acknowledge that dad had a head trauma. I think it's our dry, sarcastic way of saying we're glad everything turned out ok (you know, other than that lack of smell, OCD, random other side effects). I know that Katie thinks that everything bad happened in 2000 but I now think that bad things happen on December 17th. Today my friend Magan (who is 33 weeks pregnant) found out that there is something wrong with the placenta and the baby is not growing as she should be and that she may have to deliver as soon as next week. So on this now day after head trauma day, as you are recouperating from yesterday's activities please keep Magan, Sean and little Finley in your thoughts.

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