Thursday, October 3, 2013

...but her farts gave her away.

Did you ever notice that your own poop doesn't smell as bad as anyone else's poop?  Yeah, now I have you thinking!  You know that you can sit in the bathroom for a half hour with no problem but as soon as you walk in right after someone else is done...BAM! You're choking.  I find that the same is true for my girls.  I mean, I don't think their poop smells all that bad.  Nick, on the other hand, can't even handle himself half the time when Alexa has a pull-up poop.

Speaking of poop.  Alexa and I have had many recent poop conversations.  These are just some of my favorites:

Alexa: "I'm gonna flush the potty like this (still sitting on the potty, she leaned back to flush), that's how Mommy does it when she poops". 

Me: "Yes.  That's what we call a courtesy flush"

Alexa: "Courtesy flush?"

Me: "Yuppers"

Me: (after Alexa had one small poop in the potty) "Why don't you sit there a little bit longer.  I think you still might have some poop in your bottom.  Poops like to hang out together, there's rarely just one little one.  They usually have friends."

Alexa: "Friends?"

Me: "Yeah. Unless you have a really healthy poop.  Then it comes out as one big one.  All the friends are holding hands"

Alexa: (a few days later, as I am sitting on the toilet) "Mommy, your poops are all holding hands?"

Me: "Yuppers"

Sorry, it's been awhile since I've had a poop related post and I feel like I need to fill some kind of poop post quota.  Because as my grandpa always said "She thinks her shit don't stink..."

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