Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shower Streams

I was just in the shower and I discovered the most entertaining thing ever! (You got to love a blog post that starts with a sentence like that) In case you haven't figured it out already...WARNING! I am once again going to talk about my boobs. I'm sorry, I know no one really wants to hear about it (again) but I've never really had them before and I find them intriguing. So the background to this story is that Alexa is starting to take at least one bottle of formula a day in addition to nursing. When she had formula earlier it filled her up and then she didn't nurse as well and, well the important thing to know is that when I got into the shower I had one side drained and the other side was pretty full. So I was standing there washing my hair and thinking about how much my right boob is going to hurt by morning. Then I thought of one of my nurse friends at Joe D who was nursing at the time and told me that she could shoot milk out of her boob by squeezing it. Well obviously I had to try it and oh does it work! And I must say, for my little boobies I can sure shoot an impressive stream! Plus, now I'm not going to be in so much pain in the morning. Was it an immature thing to do? Yes. Should I have just pumped so that Alexa could have more milk to drink while I'm at work? Probably. Did I have the time of my life playing target practice with Alexa's bath toys? Absolutely!

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