Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh Crap...

Ok, Ok, I'm sorry. I did not realize I had such a following! hehehe. Sorry I was in a mood the other night and I completely appreciate everyone checking my blog every day :) I read yours every day too. And I am again sorry that I didn't respond earlier but I was working and then last night we had a bit of a internet problem. This problem was in the form of a playstation 3. Nick and Nicky found the need to hook up the playstation to the internet so that they could play socom online. Which is fine until they went to bed and failed to hook the internet back up to the computer. I tried everything I could think of to get the internet to work but of course I couldn't figure it out. Suprise, suprise. But I got my scrapbooking night so that's good. I finished the recital book and I started on a little book for Brandi's graduation party. Yes, I'll bring them to Orlando this weekend. I'm highly excited for the fun filled family weekend with Grammy. Well that's about all I have to say for now. I'm at Jenifer's using her computer (since ours is still not going online) and I have to go to work now.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I told you I wasnt the only one who read your blog! So Im pretty excited to see the scrapbooks, dont forget to bring them. And once you do get your internet back working, let me know if you got the link I sent you in your email. Its home depot collections or something like that. Its where I got my sideboard. They have pretty good sales on stuff.