Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Child The Nudist

Alexa is one month old now which is kind of crazy. We went to the doctor Tuesday for her one month check up and she is 20 3/4 inches long and weighs 8lbs 3oz. She had to have LFTs drawn because she's still a little jaundiced but Dr. Elzie said that's pretty common for babies who are nursing. Other then that, she is in perfect health. Everyone keeps commenting on how tiny she is but I think she's huge! I swear I can see her growing. She is starting to have a little personality too. She loves music, her play mat, her bouncy seat, her little butterfly toy, and most of all she loves being naked. I'm not kidding. The kid is a nudist. At first I thought that she liked taking a bath so much because of the water and maybe she calmed down on the changing table because we were changing a dirty diaper. Nope. Not true. (well, maybe partially true) She just really likes to be naked. It's not like the clothes or diapers are bothering her. She has no rashes or anything and most of the time she is perfectly happy with her clothes on. But if she starts to get fussy for no reason, all you have to do is strip her down. I told her that it's all good now but she better try to kick the habit at least before she's five because it's socially unacceptable to go to kindergarten nakie (Nick and Katie, please appreciate the use of the word 'nakie'). Here's a picture of naked Alexa (at least she keeps the head band on...for now). We had them done at Picture People when we went to Orlando last weekend. I still think my mom and I do just as good with the photography.

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